Lets All Go to the Zoo

Lets All Go to the Zoo

The Giza Zoo built over 120 years ago is going to stay where it is.


- Tv: Riddles Of The Sphinx
KPBS Video prologue of the NOVA show (1.58 minutes) and an interactive feature which lets you look at Giza and the Sphinx in panoramic view. The latter crashed Firefox the first time, but worked when I retried it. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Restricted Access To Egypt's Mummies
http://www.ansamed.info/en/egypt/news/ME03.YAM12531.html"Only Egyptian archaeologists will have access to ancient Egyptian mummies while the foreigners will be allowed to examine them only in the presence and under the supervision of their Egyptian colleagues,...

- Valley Of Kings
Here we have some very interesting pictures from the current excavations in the Valley of Kings. http://www.kv64.info/2009/02/picture-of-new-shaft-tomb-perhaps.html...

- New Discovery In Valley Of Kings
A painted eye has been found which some think may have come from a new tomb or may come from one of the numerous shrines in the surrounding hills. http://www.kv64.info/2009/01/eye-of-horus-discovered-in-valley-of.html...

- Big Hair Was Big In 3600 Bc
A weave found in Egypt, I thought the picture was of roadkill. Lets hope it was a good hair day since it seems to have survived 5600 years. http://ngm.typepad.com/pop_omnivore/2007/10/mummy-with-a-we.html...

