Luxor Temple discoveries - photographs

Luxor Temple discoveries - photographs

Luxor News Blog

Earlier this year it was reported that the mosque built into the ancient Egyptian Temple of Luxor (see the National Geographic for a report). Jane Akshar was recently given permission to take photographs of the newly revealed scenes, dating to Ramesses II, and her many photos are now available to view on the above page.

- Tuthmosis Iii Mortuary Temple
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Luxor resident Jane Akshar has been out and about with her camera again, this time at the temple of Tuthmosis III on the West Bank at Luxor joint project of the SCA, the Academy of Fine Arts Santa Isabel de Hungria of Seville,...

- Daily Photo - Temple Of Luxor
The next few days are going to feature some photos from the Temple of Luxor. Most of my photos of this temple are actually in Luxor, for some reason, but I will be collecting those next week (I'll be going up to north Wales on the 5th, back on the...

- Discoveries And Restoration At Karnak
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) At Karnak a new Ptolemaic bath house has been discovered. Jane says that there will be a lecture about it at the Mummification Museum in the next few weeks, so hopefully she will be able to report on it for us. Jane has also...

- More Re New Disoveries At Luxor Temple
National Geographic Two page article following up on the new parts of the Temple of Luxor that have been revealed during the restoration of the mosque built into the side of it, with some new details and a different photograph: The previously concealed...

- Luxor Update A very short bulletin on the Al Ahram website about developments at Luxor: "The SCA and the Luxor Supreme Council agreed to enlarge the road around the two famous Memnon statues on Luxor's West Bank; they...

