Tuthmosis III mortuary temple

Tuthmosis III mortuary temple

Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar)

Luxor resident Jane Akshar has been out and about with her camera again, this time at the temple of Tuthmosis III on the West Bank at Luxor joint project of the SCA, the Academy of Fine Arts Santa Isabel de Hungria of Seville, and sponsored by CEPSA:

I had a wander round the new excavation by the Spanish at the mortuary temple of Tuthmosis III. From the road, which actually goes through the middle of the temple, it just looks like two mud brick pylons one each side of the road. But the sign in front shows a great aerial shot showing the entire complex.

See the above page for additional notes and her photographs.

The team was granted the concession last year, for work to begin in the autumn of 2008, more details of which can be found here.

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- Thutmosis Iii Mortuary Temple
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