Luxor Temple discovery - photograph

Luxor Temple discovery - photograph

Gulf Times
There's nothing new reported in this short piece, but it does have the only photograph that either Kat or I have seen of the new discovery at Luxor Temple. Click on the above link to go to the photograph.

- Photo For Today - Karnak
I'm afraid that I'm in Gloucester at the moment and as I don't keep photos on my laptop there is nothing from Rick's collection of photos from the Walters Art Museum. I am running out of those, by the way, but he has also sent me a collection...

- Photo - Overview Of Taposiris Magna A photograph showing a great overview of the site. Includes two links to other Taposiris Magna images. Click on the image below to go to the full-sized photograph. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Update On The Daily Photograph Re The Mystery Foot
Thanks very much to Bob Partridge (Ancient Egypt Magazine) for getting back to me about the photograph I posted of a solitary foot, taken from a hot air balloon over Luxor's west bank. Bob thinks that the feet in question and a few scattered blocks...

- An Update From The Ramesseum
Luxor News Blog Jane Akshar has posted a new report from Luxor (accompanied by a photograph): I was passing today and got this update. Between the storage magazines and the Amenhotep II temple they have discovered a processional way with jackal head sphinxes....

- Daily Photo: Medinet Madi, Faiyum
The Middle Kingdom site of Medinet Madi is a remarkably pretty site in the desert area of the Faiyum depression. It was established by Amenemhat III, built in a pale yellow limestone, and is dedicated to Sobek, Renenutet (wife to Sobek and responsible...

