Mansour Boraik

Mansour Boraik

I had an email asking me for details about Mansour Boraik and his role in Luxor. Readers of Jane Akshar's Luxor blog will be very familiar with him, of course, but for those wondering about his background, he is currently Director General of Antiquities in Luxor and there's a useful summary of his career to date on the CFEETK website, for those interested in finding out more.

- Excavations At Karnak
Luxor News (Jane Akshar) With lots of photos! I had an exhausting morning with Mansour Boraik, would you believe we had a meeting on the hottest day this year. He got Salah to show me the new stuff at Karnak and then we drove the whole length of Sphinx...

- Luxor Temple Investigations
Luxor News (Jane Akshar) With photos. I had a great morning at Luxor temple with Mansour Boraik. There is so much excavation going on in Luxor at the moment and one of the areas under investigation but not mentioned in his talk is the 'tell' behind...

- Lecture Notes: Luxor Temple Mosque And Sphinx Avenue
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Mummification Museum Lecture - Luxor Temple Mosque and Sphinx Avenue – Mansour Boraik I love Mansour’s lectures; he is amusing, knowledgeable, with excellent English and crafted slideshows. He gave us a through update...

- West Bank Dewatering
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Jane has posted some more unusual photographs on her blog: At a recent lecture we were told by Mansour Boraik of the SCA that they have started to look into a dewatering project for the West Bank. The proposal would be to...

- Mummification Museum Lecture - Recent Sca Excavations as usual to Jane Akshar for posting her notes from the Mummification Museum lectures that take place in Luxor. Her most recent notes are from Mansour Boraik's lecture Recent Excavations by the SCA...

