Middle Egypt Trip Report

Middle Egypt Trip Report

Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar)

Thanks to Jane for sharing both the account and a terrific set of photographs from her recent trip to Middle Egypt. Here's a short extract:

Day 1
Left Luxor at 7:30, an earlier start and breakfast boxes might have been a good idea as there was a lot to see on route. We skipped Abydos and Dendera as many of the group had or could see these another time. Our first stop was Akhmim which is the home of the statue of Meritamun, daughter of Ramses II. Similar to Esna it is situated below the level of the town, there is a modest open air museum with some interesting blocks. As well as the very large statue of Meritamun there is a much later statue of Isis as Venus. There were some blocks from the Amarna period with rays of the sun terminating with hands.

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