Opening the Tomb of Petamenophis and more

Opening the Tomb of Petamenophis and more
More about the latest news in Luxor from the wonderful Jane Akshar: "Over the last two years, a team from the University of Strasbourg, led by M. Traurecker, has been clearing the first three chambers of this huge tomb and it has just now been opened for a first official viewing. The opening was attended by many important officials from the Supreme Council and other archaeologists working in the area, such as Francesco Tiradritti. The next stage will be the cleaning, restoration and conservation of the tomb. It has important texts such as the Book of the Dead which need to be studied. In fact it is one of the most important, if not the most important, source for sacred texts during the period of Egyptian history".
See Jane's article, above, for the full details.

Jane also reports this week about the opening of Esna and Dendera to Luxor boat traffic:
"Rumour has it that any day now the authorities are going to change the rules and allow the felucca sailing boats and motor boats to go from Luxor to both Esna and Dendera. This is excellent news. As well as giving an alternative route to these locations it means you can view the sites there without limitation of time and away for convoy timings."
I'll post again when Jane has more information, which she promises to post to her blog.

- Good News For Travellers
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Excellent news from Jane - EasyJet are opening a route from Gatwick (UK) to Luxor, with prices possibly starting at £127.00 including taxes. Have a look at Jane's post for more. Also on Opodo.Egyptology News Blog, Andie...

- Excavations At The Madrasa Area Near Karnak Jane Akshar's has posted some good photographs of the excavation at Madrasa on her Luxor News Blog: "If you remember Mansour Boraiks lecture about the SCA excavations

- The Assasif Tombs news from Jane Akshar's news blog: "Whilst buying tickets to Hatshepsut’s temple at Deir el Bahri you may have noticed the sign giving ticket prices for the Assasif Tombs. Next time don’t ignore...

- Luxor News Jane Akshar has been updating her blog, as usual, with some excellent information about current activities in Luxor. See the following web pages: Mummification Museum Lecture - Marriage Stele of Ramses II - Charles...

- Luxor News Jane Akshar has been updating her blog with the latest news from Luxor. Archaeologists are beginning to return to the West Bank, the lecture series at the Mummification Museum is scheduled to start in late October...

