Missing in Action

Missing in Action

I have received a number of emails recently, asking me for any information that I might have about two people who regularly update their web logs but have been missing in action recently. I am very glad to say that I have news of both of them.

Mark Morgan is alive and well and has stopped blogging for the time being due to other committments and a new job. I can truly empathise - it is amazing how much a blog can take over one's life! I'll post again when he's back online, if he ever finds the time :-)

Jane Akshar has been in the UK where she has been visiting her seriously ill father in hospital. On the upside, she sounds very positive and has started posting again. She has written very expressively about her recent experiences with her father on her blog. Lots of warm thoughts to Jane and her father.

- Closing Down
After eight and a half years I rather suspect that I am closing down this blog.  I haven't found the time to update it in nearly a month.  It was always time-consuming, but recently it has become exceedingly difficult to find the time to...

- Birthday Blog - A Personal Thank You
No news today except for the fact that the blog is 6 years old today and I am 46. Ouch! As a whole last year was a pretty horrid affair. and I was glad to turn my back it. My father celebrated the end of 2009 by breaking his ankle on New Year's Eve!...

- Happy New Year
2009 has been a hard year for a lot of good people. I have been staggered at the sheer number of my friends and acquaintances who have had to struggle with some really tough challenges this year. Good luck to everyone and here's hoping for a better...

- Blog - Looking For A Solution To A Couple Of Problems
This is something of a cry for help. 1) I am sure that most of you have noticed that whenever I go away the blog ceases to be updated for a while because I simply cannot keep up with it. It takes a minimum of an hour a day to update, and when I'm...

- Kv63 Lecture By Otto Schaden
http://touregypt.net/TEBlog/luxornews/?p=181Jane to the rescue! Otto Schaden's lecture at the Mummification Museum in Luxor yesterday has been captured by Jane Akshar on her blog, above: "The reason for the confusion over the number of coffins was...

