More from Dr. Hawass

More from Dr. Hawass

Recently Dr. Zahi Hawass' wish list of objects he wants back in Egypt has grown by one more item, that being the important statue of Ramses II in in the Museo Egizio in Turin.

In this interview with Dr. Hawass he tells his usual give us back the Rosetta stone and the other stuff too but first and foremost the stone.

- "the Pharoah" Goes To War
Al Masry Al Youm With video. Zahi Hawass has never exactly been afraid of making enemies. Egypt’s 63-year-old antiquities chief (a man who cheerfully refers to himself as “The Pharoah”) has, over the years conducted public feuds with fellow Egyptologists,...

- Turin's Turn: Museo Egizio definately appears to be museum day today in the online world of Egyptological news. First off, the above feature looks at the city of Turin, which is to be home to the 2006 Winter...

- Dr. Hawass' Wish List
Here is a video on Dr. Zahi Hawass talking about those five objects he desperately wants returned except he seems to have dropped his request for the Denderah zodiac and now it's Turin's turn to hand over their statue of Ramses II....

- Dr. Hawass Says What?
This article from Dr. Zahi Hawass is a bit of an oddball that leaves one with a view of a man who believes using reverse psychology on the English public will get the Rosetta stone returned to Egypt. I was not aware of that according to Dr. Hawass most...

- A Threatening Speech
In a speech made by Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme council of antiquities a few of years ago in Paris to members of UNESCO's Intergovernmental committee for the return of cultural heritage. Dr. Hawass made a fiery speech...

