More about the French Pyramid Theory

More about the French Pyramid Theory,1280,-4473237,00.html
This article explains the theory and also describes how the two amateur Egyptologists want to test their hypothesis - by drilling holes into the base of the pyramid (augering). Zahi Hawass has refused, saying that it will cause unnecessary damage to the pyramid.

- More Re Great Pyramid Construction Theory excellent computer models accompany this article which again reviews the theory proposed by French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin, which suggests that the pyramid of Khufu was built...

- French Pyramid Theory Rejected "Egyptian, German and US archaeological experts have rejected the theory of the French archaeologist Jean-Pierre Houdin about how the Giza Pyramids were built, Zahi Hawass, the Secretary-General of Egypt's Supreme...

- Bob Brier On Pyramid Construction is the best summary so far of old and new theories of pyramid construction possibilities, by Egyptologists Bob Brier, on the Archaeology magazine website. It includes helpful diagrams to accompany detailed...

- Egypt Seeks Help In Getting Back Artifacts,1280,-5139396,00.html"Egypt announced Wednesday it was launching a campaign for the return of five of its most precious artifacts from museums abroad, including the Rosetta Stone in London and the graceful...

- Shovelling Theory
This theory certainly must come at the chagrin of Dr. Hawass, the rising of sothis is an interesting date however there is no proof of this theory.

