Shovelling Theory

Shovelling Theory

This theory certainly must come at the chagrin of Dr. Hawass, the rising of sothis is an interesting date however there is no proof of this theory.

- Hemienu To Houdin
Em Hotep (Keith Payne) Another excellent piece from Keith Payne, stuffed full of diagrams and photographs. Most theories of how the Great Pyramid of Khufu was built agree that some sort of external ramp was required, even if an external ramp alone would...

- Emails Re How The Pyramids Were Built
Someone sent me an email recently with their personal theory about how the Giza pyramids were built. In general I should probably explain that I receive a two or three "how they built the pyramids" emails a month. They are usually well thought out and...

- More Re Great Pyramid Construction Theory excellent computer models accompany this article which again reviews the theory proposed by French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin, which suggests that the pyramid of Khufu was built...

- Egypt Says No Onsite Tests For French Pyramid Theory"The powerful head of Egypt's antiquities department Tuesday ruled out any onsite tests to check the veracity of a new French theory about the building of the Great Pyramid. 'It...

- More On Houdin's Pyramid Construction Theory El-Aref has a brief look at French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin's new internal ramp theory concerning the construction of the Great Pyramid. The best summary to date is still Bob Brier's, found...

