More Artifacts Return

More Artifacts Return

A series of 16 objects that were taken during the robbery of the Malawi museum have been returned though some of the return artifacts have suffered damage which appears in this picture to be the fate of this statuette of the God Toth.

- Amarna Princess Recovered
The Egyptian police have recovered the Amarna princess statuette stolen during the sacking of the Malawi museum this past summer. The statuette is one of the most important pieces stolen from that museum and one of about 800 artifacts recovered out of...

- Malawi Museum: Update
 There is good news coming from Egypt that people are returning many of the stolen artifacts from the Malawi museum. There was a recent arrest when a person tried to sell thirteen artifacts from the collection of the museum. To date 457 of the...

- The Missing Princess Of The Malawi Museum
National Geographic has a whole series of excellent images of the Malawi museum before and after the tragic looting of the middle of August. The statuette above is of a daughter of Akhenaten and is among the most important of the missing artifacts....

- Osiris Returns
A small good news story on the return of a couple of statuettes of Osiris stolen from the Malawi museum. The Minister of state of Antiquities put out a call to those who plundered the museum to hand over the stolen artifacts without fear of repercussions....

- Five More Objects Returned To Cairo Museum
Five more objects stolen from the Cairo museum have been recovered including a bronze scepter head and four statuettes of gods. Four of the bronzes are in good condition however a bronze of an Apis bull was returned broken though the report says it can...

