More on move from Qurna

More on move from Qurna
"The government began trying to get the families to leave after World War II, but talks repeatedly bogged down. Many residents, who depend on Luxor's tourist business to earn livings, argued that new homes being offered were too small and didn't come with new jobs.Over time, though, many grew tired of the standoff.In an effort to preserve the ancient tombs, authorities prohibited the homeowners from adding to their residences or installing modern plumbing, which forced people to bring water uphill using donkeys.Many people expressed happiness with the government's latest offer, which includes giving residents either new homes or plots of land in the complex that will include a market, police station, cultural center and schools."

See the above page and the following pages for more details of this story: (

- Development: More Re Avenue Of Sphinxes In Luxor
IOL (Alexander Dziadosz) The remainder of the buried avenue will be uncovered in the next few years. "In the area that we restored, we found many sphinxes," Hawass said. "We'll be excavating the rest of the road until it can go to Karnak, and this...

- More Re Eviction Of Qurna"Slowly Qurna is being erased from the map. The process began last December after the Luxor authorities ordered the demolition of all the village's mud brick houses. 'In just five minutes,'...

- More Re Qurna Move fairly lengthy article about the pros and cons of the decision to rehouse the residents of Qurna in order to excavate the tombs beneath their extensive village. If you usually use Firefox...

- Bulldozers Have Moved In To Demolish Houses In Qurna"Bulldozers have moved in to demolish houses in the Egyptian village of Qurna which sits on top of dozens of pharaonic tombs in Luxor. The Egyptian government is determined to move the 3,200 families of...

- Avenue Of Rams
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