More on the Ajax Palace site

More on the Ajax Palace site
An update re the Ajax Palace, from a press report by archaeologist Yiannis Lolos who found the site while hiking on the island of Salamis in 1999, and has excavated there for the last six years, with a little more about the Ramesses II stamp: "Lolos is particularly pleased with a piece of a copper mail shirt stamped with the name of Pharaoh Ramses II, who ruled Egypt from 1279-1213 B.C. 'This is a unique find, which may have belonged to a Mycenaean mercenary soldier serving with the Egyptians,' he said. 'It could have been a souvenir, a mark of honor or even some kind of a medal.' Excavations will continue in September, while future targets include the settlement's cemetery, which Lolos has located nearby."

Thanks to Aayko Eyma from EEF for the following URL, which has an image of the stamp:

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