United Nations - Commemorative Stamps

United Nations - Commemorative Stamps

Tomorrow, the United Nations will be printing a commemorative edition of stamps celebrating Egyptian heriated as part of their World Heritage series: "On 4 August 2005, the United Nations Postal Administration will issue a set of six commemorative stamps and three prestige booklets on the theme 'World Heritage — Egypt'. This is the eleventh United Nations stamp issue to illustrate World Heritage sites. It is the ninth in a series of stamps and prestige booklets focusing on either one specific World Heritage site or a group of World Heritage sites in one geographical location". The sites to be included are: Memphis and its necropolis — the pyramid fields from Giza to Dahshur (37c stamp), Ancient Thebes with its necropolis (80c stamp), Nubian momuments from Abu Simbel to Philae (F.s.1,00 stamp), Islamic Cairo (F.s.1,30 stamp), Abue Mena (€ 0,55 stamp) and Saint Catherine area (€ 0,75 stamp).
For more details and to see what the stamps look like, see the above URL. You will need to scroll towards the end of the page to see images of the stamps.

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