More on the Bahariya Mummies

More on the Bahariya Mummies
As well as other mummies dating to the late periods in Egypt, the tomb of a Governor of the oasis Bahariya has been found, dating to around 500BC. His sarcophagus was made from limestone which would have had to be transported from a considerable distance (around 62km). Hundreds of mummies have already been found, and it is estimated that upto 1500 may be the full number occupying the cemetery.

- Old Kingdom Settlement Found In Bahariya Oasis
Middle East Times At the moment I am taking this with a pinch of salt, because I haven't seen a report of it anywhere else. However, as I have been spending all day in a lecture theatre, which is scarcely the best place for picking up news items,...

- Mummies Undergo Ct Scans Mummies at the Bowers Museum in California have been subjected to CT scans in the latest fashionable round of mummy-scanning. Of the six mummies examined, one was a priest...

- Ct Scan Carried Out On The Remains Of Tutankhamun Apart from the sensationalist lead paragraph, this is not a bad article. It starts off "A team of researchers briefly removed King Tut's...

- Egypt Steps Up Calls On Germany To Return Nefertiti Bust

- A Burial For Everyone
The recent find of mummies were found in an old kingdom tomb but some of the mummies are from Egypt's late periods 26th dynasty.

