More re ancient Egyptian insights into suicide

More re ancient Egyptian insights into suicide
Thanks very much to N. Doyle for his comment at the above page, which offers some helpful explanation about the somewhat confusing article published re ancient Egyptian insights into suicide. The demystification is much appreciated!

- Jaei 3.3
Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections “Egyptian Gold in Prepalatial Crete? A Consideration of the Evidence” by Cynthia S. Colburn, Pepperdine University.“ ‘Stop, O Poison, that I May FindYour Name According to Your Aspect’: A Preliminary...

- Tutankhamun & Larger Foetus Dna
News from the Valley of the Kings (Kate Phizackerley) I promised to post the DNA from the TV Documentary and compare it with the DNA in the JAMA paper. This is the comparison of two mummies from tomb KV62 in the Valley of the Kings: King Tutankhamun himself...

- Articles And Blog Entries Needed For Heritage Key Website
Thanks to Nigel Hetherington for the following email, which might be of interest to some readers: Past Preservers needs your input to a new business venture-Heritage Key Here’s what they have to say about Heritage Key Heritage Key - where the ancient...

- Trivia Round-up
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- The Murder Of Ramesses Iii: Revision
Recent CT scans on the mummy of ancient Egypt's last great Pharaoh Rameses III has found evidence that the king was murdered by having his throat slit. The murder of Ramesses was long suspected from a 3000 year old document known as the harem conspiracy...

