More re Cairo Ramesses move

More re Cairo Ramesses move (
"A giant statue of Pharaoh Ramses II will be moved next month from a congested square in downtown Cairo to a more serene home near the Great Pyramids in a bid to save it from corrosive pollution, Egypt‘s antiquities chief said Monday. The 125-ton statue — a popular feature on postcards and guide books — will become part of a new museum about a mile from the pyramids. Contractors plan to transport a replica next week, as a test. If all goes well, the real thing will make its way through the sprawling city Aug. 25 . . . . Once moved, it will be renovated as its new home is built. The museum, which also will house King Tutankhamun‘s mummy and other treasures, is not expected to open for at least five years."
See this very brief bulletin for more information.

The same story is covered by the Scotsman at:

- A Quiet, Safe Place For The Pharaoh?
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- Ramesses In Custody
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- Ramesses Moving Tomorrow statue of Ramesses II will be moved tomorrow, on an Egyptian public holiday, from its over-polluted home and will be installed in its new Giza location on Friday: "Sayed Hamdan, a roving photographer,...

