More re tomb of Henu

More re tomb of Henu
Thanks very much to Ann Eglintine who has heard from Marleen De Meyer that there will be an article in the next issue of Egyptian Archaeology (Bulletin of the EES) about the new discovery of the tomb of Henu. Although there are no details about upcoming issues of the magazine on the above page (the EA web page has been showing "this page is currently being updated" for the last two years), there are details of how to order any EES publication.

- Digging In The Delta
Bib Arch Seminary blog This is an odd post on the above blog. It says that the article has been used with the permission of Diggings Online, but when you go to the Diggings Online website there is a subscription page but no details of the magazine, the...

- The Mastaba Of Mereruka In Saqqara
OsirisNet Thanks to Thierry Benderitter for the news that the super OsirisNet website has been updated with comprehensive details about the tomb of Mereruka, one of my favourite tombs in Egypt. It has been more than 70 years since the last publication...

- More Re Tomb Of Henu's a short but enjoyable video clip of the tomb of Henu (preceded, inevitably, by an annoying advert) on the above page. The link to the video is under the photograph.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Breaking News: New Tomb Discovered At Deir El-bersha Many thanks (and congratulations!) to Marleen De Meyer from the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, for forwarding me the above link to details of their new discovery: "A team from the Katholieke Universiteit...

- Bibliographical Introduction To Egyptology The Bibliographical Introduction to Egyptology by Benoit Claus is is an absolutely super resource that you can access and download free of charge for a limited period from the PalArch website - a massive...

