More Tutankhamun

More Tutankhamun (Chicago Tribune Metromix)
"After the last Tut exhibit returned to Egypt in the early 1980s from its long U.S. and European tour, the Egyptian parliament passed laws barring future tours outside Egypt.In a telephone interview this week, Zahi Hawass, secretary general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, said Egyptian lawmakers had been dismayed by physical damage done to some artifacts from the earlier tour. Museums around the world have almost ceaselessly pressured Egypt to mount another exhibition ever since, Hawass said. At the same time, Egypt, a poor country, has struggled to properly store, conserve and display its vast collection of antiquities."

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun Unaffordable For Australia
Sydney Morning Herald (Catharine Munro and Jason Koutsoukis) A BLOCKBUSTER exhibition of King Tutankhamun will not tour Australia because museums cannot afford it. Egypt wants to send the world's most successful tour of artefacts from the tomb of...

- Asian, Us Tour For Egypt's Sunken Antiquities
Egypt State Information Service Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Dr. Zahi Hawwas announced yesterday 19-5-2009 on the sidelines of the Turin International Book Fair that Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Nazif had agreed on the transfer...

- Exhibition: Asian, American Tour For Egypt's Sunken Antiquities
Egypt State Information Service Minister of Culture, Farouq Hosni, said on Thursday 3/7/2008 that it has been decided to move the Egyptian sunken antiquities exhibition to take a tour in Japan and the United States. This comes after the great success...

- Tutankhamun Audio Tours ( article about the audio tour that accompanies the Tutankhamun exhibition. "The Tut audio tour includes brief but informative interviews with Zahi Hawass, the secretarygeneral of Egypt’s Supreme Council...

- Zahi Hawass And Stolen Treasures A Cairo Magazine article about Zahi Hawass on "stolen"artefacts, and in particular the Rosetta Stone which is on display at the British Musem: "Egypt is once again calling...

