More updates to

More updates to
I have updated the site again as follows:

Details of whereabouts these are located on the site are shown on the site's home page.

There is a lot more on its way, with information about archaeology dating from the Early Palaeolithic to the end of the 2nd Dynasty, and a new section to be added on environmental and climatic change. I know that the maps in the Geology section aren't loading at the moment - leave it with me. It is taking more time than I thought due to some wonderfully timed technical problems both with the web authoring software I use and my modem.

Cheers, Andie

- Dig Diaries 2010
The following is a list of dig diaries which you might want to follow KV-63 (updated intermittently) (updated weekly) Brooklyn Museum 2010 dig diary (updated weekly) Djehuty (updated daily - in Spanish) If anyone knows of any others please...

- Updated Publication: Rock Art Of The Libyan Desert (dvd)
FJ Expeditions The Second Expanded Edition of the DVD "Rock Art of the Libyan Desert" is now available. The new edition contains over nearly 300 new rock art sites, all new discoveries in the 2005-2009 period, with approximately 12000 photos (about 4000...

- New(ish) Book: The Tree Shelter
Leuven University Press A Holocene Prehistoric Sequence in the Egyptian Red Sea Area: The Tree Shelter Edited by: Pierre M. Vermeersch Multiple apologies for failing to post this before, because not only have I known about this book for months but I own...

- Current World Archaeology Magazine 21 21 features an article on Dakhleh Oasis: "What was life like in an Egyptian oasis? The Dakhleh oasis is huge - today it is home to some 70,000 people - and the Dakhleh Oasis Project has been charting...

- Egyptology Portal Updated I have updated my Egyptology Portal - every link has been checked, some have been updated, some have been added and a really sad number have been removed because the links are broken. I will try and find some of them...

