Multimedia resources at the Louvre

Multimedia resources at the Louvre

Louvre Museum Press Release (PDF)

Via the Collecting Egypt blog, with thanks.

Press Release.
Enjoy an innovative museum experience at the Louvre’s Department of Egyptian Antiquities! State-of-the-art, fun-touse multimedia resources, developed for the ‘Louvre – DNP Museum Lab’ project, are available to help you understand the conventions of Egyptian art and decipher a funerary stela: the Stela of Sakherty.
Outreach and multimedia
In Rooms 21 and 23 (on the 1st floor of the Sully wing), ingenious multimedia devices, purpose-designed for the department, offer an insight into the collection of Egyptian Antiquities, helping you make sense of the exhibits and discover their connection with ancient Egyptian beliefs.

- Repatriation
The buzz word of the moment! The latest case of repatriation has been picked up by a number of online publications. Thanks to everyone who sent links. The New York Metropolitan Museum Returns Fragment of Red Granite Naos Straits Times Met Museum Press...

- Musée Du Louvre Launches Online Database In English
Art Museum Journal (Stan Parchin) Paris' Musée du Louvre announced today the launch of its first-ever English-language version of Atlas, its free-of-charge online collections database. Supported by €300,000 in grants raised by American Friends...

- Louvre - Partial Photography Ban There has been a lot of discussion recently about whether or not the Louvre are going to ban photography, so thanks to Thierry Benderitter from for pointing out the above news item (first URL...

- The Tomb Of Tetiky
Excellent article complete with pictures of some of the fresco's stolen from the 18th dynasty tomb of Tetiky at Dra Abu l' Naga. The fragments turned up in the collection of the Louvre who will be returning them in 6 days whether this will allow...

- The Louvre's Stolen Pictures

