Mummies cover-up reversed at Manchester

Mummies cover-up reversed at Manchester

Manchester Evening News

MANCHESTER Museum has reversed its decision to cover up its Egyptian mummies in response to public opinion.

The museum covered up three unwrapped mummies on display, sparking accusations of political correctness, two months ago.

The cover-up was part of a consultation on how the mummies will be displayed when the museum's ancient Egypt gallery is redeveloped.

Nick Merriman, museum director, has said one of the mummies will now be left partially unwrapped in its original display state, while another will be partially covered, leaving its head, hands and feet exposed.

The decision to reveal more of the mummies came following a meeting of the museum's human remains panel.

Mr Merriman said: "We started the consultation process with a total covering of three of the museum's unwrapped mummies.

The post at the Manchester Website blog, which started all the discussion, can be found at:

See the above for more. My original posts regarding this subject can be found at:

- Covering The Mummies: Summary Of Discussion And Museum Response
Egypt at the Manchester Museum blog Another one from Chris Townsend, with my thanks. Many thanks to all of you who contributed to the discussion on the covering of the mummies at the Manchester Museum in April 2008. Below is a summary of the main issues...

- More Re Manchester Museum Decision To Cover Mummies
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- Naked Bodies

- Covering Mummies
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