Mummification Museum Lecture - Tombs at Dra Abu Naga

Mummification Museum Lecture - Tombs at Dra Abu Naga

Luxor News

Jane Akshar has updated her blog with her notes from the latest lecture at the Mummification Museum in Luxor:

What We Lost (Tombs at Dra Abu Naga) – Prof Martina Betro University of Pisa

She gave the lecture this title because the tombs have been affected by many factors both human and natural over the years and this has altered their condition. There are 2 tombs TT14 and a new one called MIDAN 05. Every day they discover something new. Using a map provided by Goggle Earth she showed the lunar aspect of the area under investigation. They have used modern technology to map the tomb properly and she showed a slide of maps showing the tombs at ‘offering’ and ‘funeral’ levels. Currently access to TT14, the tomb of Huy, is by a flight of modern stairs going down. But when the tomb was first built it was at ground level. It is possible the hill side at Dra Abu Naga was a terrace of many levels. The tomb is Ramaside one, a single room with one chapel in a cartouche shape. They are not exactly sure exactly which Ramses although she thinks it is Ramses II. He was a mid to low person in the priesthood working in the cult of Amenhotep I which had big importance on the West Bank. The cult differs at Dra Abu Naga from that at Deir el Medina with the family taking greater importance than the king alone. Amenhotep the Image of Amun probably had Ahmose Nefertari standing behind him but this is lost. However a fragment has been found that had the black skin very commonly associated with her. Also Ahotep, the grandmother, who is shown with yellow skin.

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