Mummification Museum Lectures return with Jane at KV60

Mummification Museum Lectures return with Jane at KV60

Luxor News

The Luxor Mummifcation Museum's programme of lectures has started up again, and Jane Akshar is right there with her note book. The first lecture of the new programme was Dr Donald P. Ryan talking about KV60. Jane's notes are at the above page, and here's a small extract:

On the first day of his work in June 1989 they were basically looking around the general area and had little equipment with them, just a broom. They started to sweep the area in front of KV19 and within 30 minutes had found a depression in the rock. The tomb was built in the lead of a gully, they had relocated KV60. Well at least he assumes it is although at times he has wondered as it is 3 metres longer than Carters description and Carter doesn’t mention the room. But this seems to be done to poor recording rather than he has the wrong tomb. It is very rough and irregular in shape and the steps themselves are also extremely rough. They found gold leaf near the entrance almost as though the robbers had taken objects to the light to investigate further or to strip them of the gold.

In the niches there were Wadjet eyes drawn (he would be interested to know if anyone else has come upon this as far as he knows this is unique). The tomb was filled with loads of debris but this was surface debris rather than fill to the ceiling. They found a massive pile of mummy wrappings and a wrapped cow’s leg in a niche, also remains of mud brick, wrapped food, twists of linen used as wicks, bits of a coffin and a mummy, a very provocative mummy. Stripped with the right arm to the side and the left arm across the breast. This pose is believed by some people to be that of a royal woman.

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