Murder on the Nile in 2000 BC?

Murder on the Nile in 2000 BC?
Four Egyptian skulls which form part of an ongoing study into the Hancock Museum's historic Egyptian Collections are going to be studied by a team of scientists at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary. They will be using modern medical equipment, hopefully to clarify how the mummies met their deaths. See the icNewcastle website article for more information.

- Hawass On Tutankhamun (Zahi Hawass) With photos of Hawass. DNA and CT scan analysis of the mummy of the 18th Dynasty pharaoh Tutankhamun (ca. 1333-1323 BC) and of mummies either known or believed to be members of his immediate family have revealed startling new...

- More Re Malaria Found In Mummies
National Geographic The oldest known cases of malaria have been discovered in two 3,500-year-old Egyptian mummies, scientists announced. Researchers in Germany studied bone tissue samples from more than 90 mummies found in the ancient Egyptian city of...

- New Mummy Hall Opens In Cairo Museum ("Minister of Culture Farouq Hosni inaugurates today the second hall of mummies that was set by the Supreme Council for Antiquities at the Egyptian museum in al Tahrir. Twelve royal mummies will be exhibited in the...

- Mummy Analysis Project This page will be up for the next week, on the Egyptian Mail website. There's an introductory parapgraph about Tutankhamun and the value of the treasures from that and other tombs, and then some information...

- Egypt Revealed: Life And Death In Ancient Egypt Egypt Revealed: Life and Death in Ancient Egypt is an exhibition at the Hancock Museum in Newcastle Upon Tyne in the UK from Saturday, July 30, to April, 23, 2006. There is a permenanent Egyptology collection...

