Nefertiti Bust - On the Move

Nefertiti Bust - On the Move
"Nefertiti will be removed from the converted guard house on March 2 to take up temporary residence at the Kultur Forum exhibition hall at Potsdamer Platz in the revivified centre of Berlin. There, she will form the focal point of a six-month exhibit on Egyptian hieroglyphs and their influence on art up to the modern day. If all goes according to plan, Nefertiti will be able to move into the newly rebuilt but anachronistically named Altes Museum (Old Museum). But even the Altes Museum is only temporary lodgings for her. Her original digs in the nearby Neues Museum will be ready by 2008 or 2009."
More about the bust and its background are on the above Taipei Times website

- More Re Wrinkles Found On The Nefertiti Bust
Expatica Maybe wrinkles are not so bad after all, some German scientists have discovered. In ancient times, such laugh lines and wrinkles around the mouth improved the face of Nefertiti, the Egyptian queen acclaimed as the world's most beautiful woman....

- Nefertiti Had Wrinkles Wrinkles improved the face of Nefertiti, the pharaonic Egyptian queen acclaimed as the world's most beautiful woman, German scientists have discovered. The 3,000-year-old bust of Nefertiti is the greatest treasure at Berlin's Altes Museum....

- Issues Surrounding The Nefertiti Bust. El-Aref talking about the request, made by Zahi Hawass, to lend Egypt the famous Nefertiti bust, currently on permanent display in Berlin, for a three month period: "Hawass asked the German government...

- More Nefertiti To Love
The transfer of the bust of Nefertiti from Berlin's Altes museum to its new home at the newly restored Neues museum on museum island has raised the old lingering question of who owns the iconic bust and what validity does the statement "to fragile...

- The Real Nefertiti

