New Egyptology resource

New Egyptology resource

Worthy Science Sources

David Petersen, who set up the Worthy Science Sources site to provide an encyclopaedic resource completely free of charge, is considering the addition of a dedicated Egyptology section. He is therefore on the lookout for graduate papers, dissertations etc which would begin to build up this part of his website. If you feel that you can contribute, please let him know by email: [email protected]

Here's the introduction to the site:

This is a website devoted to making available free historical and current texts and monographs and posting relevant essays on science and the philosophy of science

We solicit scholarly and thoughtful contributions of essays and/or links to free books and monographs especially of an historical nature

Feedback is essential to this website and wish to hear from individuals who can appreciate knowledge from the past blended with current knowledge and champion a holistic approach to a sound platform of epistemology of science

- Online Resource: Dating Pharaonic Egypt
Science Dating Pharaonic Egypt Hendrik J. Bruins Science June 18th 2010, Volume 328 Ancient literary sources of Pharaonic Egypt constitute the historical cornerstone of time in the eastern Mediterranean region during the Bronze and Iron Ages (the third...

- More Re Issue Of Online Books And Papers Available For Download
The Google Alerts service pointed me to a paper on a website which offers books and papers for download free of charge. I know the author of the paper that the Alert service highlighted (Mikey Brass) so I emailed him to find out whether this copyrighted...

- Current Research In Egyptology X
CRE X The update from the organizers of CRE was one of those emails which talks about the revamped website but doesn't send you the link! Never mind - it turned up on Google straight away. I don't usually cover conferences because EEF is the best...

- Conference: London Ancient Science Conference Just in case this isn't picked up by any of the Egyptology lists and groups specializing in conferences etc, here's one that may be of interest (see the above page for more details): The third one...

- Current Research In Egyptology Thanks to Peter Robinson for bringing the latest updates to the Current Research in Archaeology website to my attention. is an annual symposium held in universities in the UK for students from around...

