New Journal: Heritage Management

New Journal: Heritage Management

Heritage Management
Left Coast Press have announced the launch of a new global journal edited by Kelley Hays-Gilpin and Edward Bridge (about whom full details can be found on the above page). It is introduced on the above page as follows:

Heritage Management is a global, peer-reviewed journal that provides a venue for using scholarly, professional, and indigenous knowledge to address broader societal concerns about managing cultural heritage. We address issues of resource management, cultural preservation and revitalization, education, legal/legislative developments, public archaeology, and ethics. The journal presents an engaging forum for those who work with governmental and tribal agencies, museums, private CRM firms, indigenous communities, and colleges and universities. It facilitates a multivocal arena for disseminating and critically discussing cultural heritage management issues collaboratively among professionals and stakeholders. Heritage Management will include peer-reviewed research on policy, legislation, ethics, and methods in heritage management and will showcase exemplary projects and models of public interpretation and interaction. A peer-reviewed Forum section presents position statements and responses on key current issues. The journal also includes reviews of books, web pages, exhibits, and resources in various media.

The web page still needs tweeking a bit - there's only a holding image for the journal cover, there is no indication of what the first issue will include, and if you click on the "Read Journal Online" button it takes you to the Journal of Museum Education, but these are minor things which I daresay will be sorted out soon.

To see pricing you need to complete the three-field subscription form which will produce the right price for the type of subscription you require.

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