The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections

The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections

UA News

The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, an electronic peer-reviewed journal, has been created out of a collaboration with UA faculty and the UA Libraries.

By University Communications
March 6, 2009

The University of Arizona Libraries and Regents' Professor Richard Wilkinson have jointly released a new electronic journal.

The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, or the JAEI, was created by Wilkinson, a UA classics and Near Eastern studies professor, and will be hosted on the UA Libraries' institutional repository site, also known as UAiR.

The digitially-based, peer-reviewed journal explores the relationship between ancient Egypt and its surrounding regions and helps develop an important new trend in Egyptological scholarship by taking an interdisciplinary approach.

The journal publishes full-length articles, which have been subjected to the same peer-reviewed, blind screening process used by traditional scholarly print journals. The JAEI will also include short research notes, reviews of published works, announcements and reports of relevant conferences and symposia.

The journal also examines the relationship between ancient Egypt and its neighbors through different lenses, ranging from history to technology to art and religion.

"This is going to be a very timely and important journal for this field, there is no doubt about it," Wilkinson said in a statement.

Interest in subscribing to the journal has already been widespread.

See the above page for more.

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