New Plan for Luxor

New Plan for Luxor

Here is an article on the plan for the remodelling of Luxor.

- Replicas In The Valley Of The Kings?
Al Ahram Weekly (Riad Tawfik) Tourism experts have greeted a plan to open replica tombs for tourists on the west bank at Luxor with considerable scepticism, writes Riad Tawfik Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) has recently announced a radical plan...

- Luxor City Development Project
Egypt State Information Service Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif held Thursday 14/2/2008 a meeting to review the implementation of the Comprehensive Development Plan for the City of Luxor. During the meeting, Nazif followed up the renovation process of the...

- Priority On Site Management "With the approach of a new archaeological season, Jill Kamil takes a look at a number of projects either completed, in progress, or planned for the coming years . . . . Much has been achieved since ARCE signed...

- Luxor Update Akshar has updated her excellent Luxor Blog with some upto the moment news regarding development plans for Luxor: "Luxor recently held a big conference to discuss the future plans for the area. The conference...

- The Kings Wives Of Monte Carlo
An article from Al Ahram on the continuing exhibition.

