New York Times - Online Tutankhamun

New York Times - Online Tutankhamun
"The New York Times has devoted a part of its internet site to the exhibition of Tut's objects. This exhibition was classified as a culture and arts page in the internet newspaper, in which some special objects related to the golden Pharoe are displayed. The internet newspaper also pointed out the mass appeal and mass profits rendered by the so far 8 million visitors to Los Angels".

An Egyptian State Iinformation Service item about the New York Times's online feature regarding the Tutankhamun exhbition. There is a super photograph from the original excavation, and links to more information, including a slide show of some of the items in the exhibition.

- More Re Tutankhamun In Australia Press Release. Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosny, announced today that the Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs exhibition will travel to Melbourne, Australia at the beginning of April 2011. Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of...

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun And The Golden Age Of Pharaohs
Art Museum Journal (Stan Parchin) With some lovely photos. Ancient Egypt's later 18th Dynasty and its controversial personalities come alive in an expanded version of the compelling special exhibition Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs...

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun In New York
abc local (Sandra Bookman) With video of exhibitin preview. For the first time in more than three decades, King Tut is back in New York. And this time around, we know a lot more about the ancient boy king. It's the last stop of an eight-city tour,...

- Clarification Re Tutankhamun In Vienna
I have corrected yesterday's post in which I reported, in error, that the exhibition Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of Pharaohs, which is currently in London, was moving to Vienna. In fact, the next stop for the Golden Age exhibition is Dallas, U.S....

- Q&a About The Tutankhamun Exhibition A sort of Frequently Asked Questions listing from the New York Times about the Tutankhamun exhibition including why it is not going to New York and what sort of offering the exhibition actually is: "It’s atypical...

