Q&A about the Tutankhamun exhibition

Q&A about the Tutankhamun exhibition

A sort of Frequently Asked Questions listing from the New York Times about the Tutankhamun exhibition including why it is not going to New York and what sort of offering the exhibition actually is: "It’s atypical in that most blockbuster exhibits make at least gestures toward an intellectual conceit. Here, the wall labels are pretty basic, and the idea is mostly Look at all this awesome gold stuff. The museum’s shop even sells knockoffs of Hawass’s hat." But the article recommends the exhibition, and says that it just requires a little reading beforehand if you're not already familiar with the period.
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- Exhibition: Tutankhamun (again)
ITN The ITN website has a video news report about the exhibition. More than 325,000 tickets have already been sold or reserved for the exhibition. BBC There are five very beautiful images of exhibits from the Tutankhamun exhibition on the above page....

- Exhibition: Gifts For The Gods (metalwork)
New York Times (Karen Rosenberg) If you are asked for a username and password enter egyptnews in both fields. In ancient Egypt, stone sculpture was the stuff of intimidation: regal, public, unyielding. A stone statue could be smashed, but it could never...

- Is It All Loot?
http://tinyurl.com/koomq (New York Times) After a whole spate of articles about antiquities and the role of museums in establishing provenance, things have died down a little, but here's an interview on the subject from the New York Times: "On March...

- Henry George Fischer, Egyptologist, Dies
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/18/arts/18FISCHER.html"Henry George Fischer, the Metropolitan Museum of Art curator who helped the Temple of Dendur find a new life in New York as a focal point of the museum, died on Dec. 11 in Newtown, Pa., where he had...

- New York Times - Online Tutankhamun
http://www.sis.gov.eg/online/html12/o190625m.htm "The New York Times has devoted a part of its internet site to the exhibition of Tut's objects. This exhibition was classified as a culture and arts page in the internet newspaper, in which some special...

