News about the Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt

News about the Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt


Thanks to Eugene Cruz-Uribe for the news that he has taken over as Editor of the JARCE. He took over this position late this summer from Charles Van Siclen who has been acting editor for his efforts.

The current status of the journal is as follows:

Volume 42 (2005-2006) : page proofs are at the printers and we expect to have the journal in the mail by the end of October.

Volume 43 (2007) : articles have been accepted and corrected. They are to the printers for page proof composition and layout. We are hoping to have this issue out by December 2008.

Volume 44 (2008) : we are still accepting articles until the beginning of November with plans to have it published by April 2009.

A new "Guide for Authors" will appear shortly on the ARCE website. Potential authors can still use the old guidelines for formating information.

The ARCE website ( is currently being revamped. A further announcement will be forthcoming when the new website is up and running.

Through the kind efforts of Rachel Mauldin, volumes 1-25 of JARCE will appear in JSTOR soon. Watch for a further announcement.

If anyone has any questions about JARCE, or about submitting articles, please contact Eugene Cruz-Uribe at [email protected].

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