A Walk Along A Mameluke Street

A Walk Along A Mameluke Street

Living in Egypt (Maryanne Stroud Gabbani and Patricia Canfield)

With some absolutely super photographs

A couple of weeks ago a close friend of mine, Patricia Canfield, decided to take one of the walks in Cairo sponsored by ARCE (The American Research Center in Egypt). ARCE offers some amazing tours of Cairo and sites further afield for very reasonable prices. You do have register with ARCE beforehand and to show up on time for the bus as they absolutely depart at the advertised hour, but the tours are some of the best in Egypt. Pat is a freelance writer living here for some twenty odd years and when she showed me the photographs and told me about the places she'd seen, I begged her to write it up for me for my blog. These days my arthritic knees have taken me away from any ideas I have of three hour walks, although knee replacement surgery scheduled for this summer should have me back pounding the pavements, however gingerly, in the fall. Here is her story . . .

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- News About The Journal Of The American Research Center In Egypt
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- American Research
This is the latest newsletter of the American research center in Egypt. http://www.arce.org/...

