American research

American research

This is the latest newsletter of the American research center in Egypt.

- Egyptologists Still Digging Up Past, Even With Uncertain Future
Medill Reports Chicago (David B. Nelson) The Egyptian Revolution that began a year ago continues to create instability in a country rich with antiquity. But most Egyptologists say it’s business as usual, even with the recent return of protestors to...

- 1600 Talatat Blocks In Colour
Heritage Key (Owen Jarus) Archaeologists are examining a cache of talatat blocks in Luxor that depict Amarna period art in their original colour. “The amount of detail which is shown, where the colour had been preserved, it’s just amazing,” said...

- A Walk Along A Mameluke Street
Living in Egypt (Maryanne Stroud Gabbani and Patricia Canfield) With some absolutely super photographs A couple of weeks ago a close friend of mine, Patricia Canfield, decided to take one of the walks in Cairo sponsored by ARCE (The American Research...

- News: Arce Wins Big Grant To Help Safeguard Egyptian Antiquity
San Antonio Business Journal (Tamarind Phinissee) Another old news item which I missed, this one dating to the end of August. The American Research Center in Egypt, based in San Antonio, has been awarded a $6.6 million grant from the U.S. Agency for International...

- Another Sekhmet Statue Found
Archaeologists working for the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) in the temple of Mut 's second hall at Karnak have discovered a standing statue of the fierce lioness Goddess Sekhmet. The find is unusual as archaeologists working...

