News Items in Brief

News Items in Brief

The last item on this page of the Egyptian Gazette lists a couple of short Egyptological news items.

- More Re The Mudbrick Wall At The Site Of The Sphinx
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) Egyptian archaeologists from the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) working in front of the valley temple of King Khafre on the Giza plateau are currently occupied brushing the sand off a newly-discovered mudbrick wall...

- Golden Mummies Found In El-kharga I have not seen this reported anywhere else, and there is no indication of a formal source, but here is the very brief report anyway, in its entirety: A French team has discovered in western Egypt a graveyard dating...

- Pharaonic Limestone Tablet Found In Luxor "An Egyptian-American archaeological team has unearthed a limestone tablet with coloured images near the wall of the Temple of Mot in Luxor, Minister of Culture Farouq Hosni said yesterday. The 100 x 45 centimetre...

- Upgrading Queen Hatsheput's Temple short piece by Hassan Saadallah about rennovations to the temple of the Deir el Bahri temple of Queen Hatshepsut: "An urgent project will start soon to preserve the el-Deir el-Bahari Temple of Queen Hatshepsut...

- Ramses Ii Artefacts Unearthed In Cairo Suburb"Statues and artefacts dating back to the time of Ramsis II have been unearthed in Cairo. Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) Dr Zahi Hawass told The Gazette yesterday that the items...

