Next installment on the ARTP website

Next installment on the ARTP website
The website of the Amarna Royal Tombs Project has been updated with another installment. Here's a short sample: "Within the space of a few weeks in 1998 ARTP had made an astonishing discovery: that the entire central area of the Valley beneath the modern tourist areas remained completely undisturbed. This was a revelation of the greatest possible significance, since it implied the survival of a priceless stratigraphy not just at a single point but across the Valley as a whole. This stratigraphy, properly excavated, recorded and read, has the potential to permit a fuller understanding than Egyptologists could ever have dared hope for - of the processes of siting, quarrying and stocking the tombs, of planning and administering the workmen’s village which occupied the site in antiquity, and of concealing, robbing and subsequently dismantling the burials and their furnishings at the start of the first millennium BC."

- Update - "kv64" to Aayko Eyma for pointing out that the Archaeology magazine website has now been updated with an interview with Nick Reeves, who has recently announced the presence on radar images of a possible...

- Breaking News: Kv64 - New Tomb Identified? very much indeed to the nameless hero who emailed me the following piece of breaking news, which has been unfolding on the Amarna Royal Tombs Project (ARTP) website. Dr Nick Reeves, who updated the...

- Artp Website Updated latest installment in the ARTP's work in the area of KV63 from 1998 to 2002. The fifth installment takes up from the team's conclusion that there might be undiscovered layers in the Theban necropolis...

- Artp Website Updated The ARTP website continues to be updated by Nick Reeves, this time with ongoing postings about the ARTP's work in the KV63 area, before the concession was reassigned, together with details about what...

- Amarna Royal Tombs Project - Update Amarna Royal Tombs Project website has been updated by Dr Nicholas Reeves with further statements of clarification, following ongoing speculation and comment. Here is an extract: "I’ll begin by addressing...

