Nile cruises from Cairo to Luxor?

Nile cruises from Cairo to Luxor? The article on this URL will expire shortly
I do wish that the Egyptian Gazette would archive its articles. Here goes with the latest from reporter Salah Attia, but it was too long to reproduce in full, so have a look whilst the article is still there:
In all international fairs and international tourism occasions in which Egypt has participated arise the question: When will the long River Nile cruise trips come back? The question is often directed from trip organisers and the answer they receive is that the River Nile is currently being developed for establishing a new naval route for the trips between Cairo and Luxor.
This was part of the truth. The River Nile route is in need of a development work but actually the project to improve the Nile has been tendered since the '80s but till now it has not been accomplished. Besides, Security Forces have always objected to organising such trips for security concerns with regard to floating cruises and the long distance such cruises take.
But until recently this attitude has changed and I heard from the Minister of Interior that his ministry does not stand against organising Nile cruises. During the meeting of Minister of Tourism Zoheir Garranah with members of the Egyptian Travel Writers Association Club in Hilton Hotel few days ago, Garranah said that the Nile cruises will come again and more trips will be organised.
For the time being, cruises only work between Luxor and Aswan while the rest of the course which goes up to Cairo has to be prepared. The Nile marinas have to be upgraded after they stopped functioning long time ago.All the governorates which will receive these cruises in their long course have to organise special tour programmes for the tourists. Besides, the governorates have to spread awareness among their school children and adults of how to deal with tourists since their inhabitants are not used to their presence."
See the above page for the rest of the article, found in the Tourism section, but you'll need to be quick!

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