Nile File 1

Nile File 1,curpg-3.cms
A short four-page travel item on the The Times of India website describing a visit to Giza, the ancient Egyptian focus on power and death and how this is now immortalized via tourism: "The temples and monuments dedicated to them fuelled the economy, creating employment for priests, artisans and labourers, all dedicated to ensuring the pharaoh's conquest of death. Personality cult? And then some. But it kept a civilisation going for 30 dynasties, not to mention johnny-come-latelys like the Greeks and Romans. It was only with the coming of the Arabs, and Islam, that the old gods yielded to a new, more demotic Allah."

- Travel: The Nile Cruise ( A better than average travel article explaining what can be seen on a Nile cruise, and putting it into historical context: "The main draw to Egypt is the legacy of the Pharaohs and the Greeks and Romans who ruled...

- Tutankhamen Dead Of Knee Infection"Egyptian boy Pharaoh King Tutankhamen whose death has intrigued archaeologists, historians and medical experts alike, through three millenniums, seems to have died of infection from a wound in...

- Nile File 3 3 of a travel feature about the Nile, this time looking at the experience of tourism in Egypt: "I've finally figured out why otherwise fairly normal people become tourists: They are motivated...

- The Hyderabad Mummy
An Egyptian expert has recommended an air tight display case in an effort to preserve the deteriorating mummy in Hyderabad.

- Restoring The Hyderabad Mummy
A restorer from the Supreme council of antiquities has arrived in Hyderabad to restore a 2500 year old mummy.

