Old Kingdom Statue

Old Kingdom Statue

Dr. Zahi Hawass has recently claimed responsibility for the finding of a statue at Giza of a sitting man.


with picture:


- 4000 Year Statue Discovered At Giza
Reuters With a photograph of the statue in situ. Maintenance workers at Egypt's Giza Pyramids have found an ancient quartzite statue of a seated man buried close to the surface of the desert, the culture ministry said on Tuesday. The statue, about...

- Tutankhamun Murder Mystery Hangs On March Report
http://www.reuters.co.uk/newsArticle.jhtml?type=scienceNews&storyID=7661208§ion=news&src=rss/uk/scienceNews Quotes from Zahi Hawass re the Tutankhamun scan, the results of which are now expected at some time in March, according to this article...

- Looking Eternally Good
Here are two more particularly beautiful pictures of undisturbed mummies recently found at the Lahun pyramid. http://www.reuters.com/article/scienceNews/idUSTRE53P1DT20090426...

- Tt11
A second burial chamber has been found in the tomb of Djehuty at Dra abu el Naga, the chamber is rare because it is painted and comes from the time of King Hatshepsut. http://drhawass.com/blog/press-release-new-discovery-tomb-djehuty-tt11-dra-abu-el-naga...

- Amenhotep Iii Statues

