Online: Bir Abu Safa, Eastern Desert

Online: Bir Abu Safa, Eastern Desert

New York University

A Water Temple at Bir Abu Safa (Eastern Desert)
By Steve E. Sidebotham, Gabriel T. Mikhail, James A. Harrell and Roger S. Bagnall.

I found this, as usual, whilst looking for something else. This paper about a very unusual rock-carved temple in the southern Eastern Desert (very broadly on a level with Aswan, in a wadi linking to the Red Sea coast).

- Eastern Desert Conference
Archbase If you are interested in the Eastern Desert, you may be intersted in an update from Hans Barnard who syas that the first abstracts for the conference on "The History of the Peoples of the Eastern Desert" are now on-line at the above address:...

- Daily Photo: Eastern Desert Rock Art
As a nod to the rock art research mentioned above at Dakhleh Oasis in the Western Desert, here are some photographs of rock art in the Eastern Desert - a very different kettle of fish! For a start, except for one known image, all of the rock art in the...

- Daily Photo: Inscriptions From Wadi Hammamat
The Wadi Hammamat in the Eastern Desert is the main route leading from the Nile just north of Luxor to the Red Sea coast, and was used throughout the Pharaonic period. Both expeditions through the wadi and quarrying activities within the wadi area were...

- New Website - Archaeology Of The Eastern Desert
www.wadi.cd2.comI have put together a new website on the archaeology of Egypt's Eastern Desert. It can be found at the above address. The danger with being author, editor and publisher of anything on this scale is that you miss some glaringly obvious...

- Exhibition: Gold's an exhibition at the moment at the American Museum of Natural History (New York) which looks at gold, including its geological context, how it is extracted and its use in different ancient socieities. Having...

