OsirisNet - New Features

OsirisNet - New Features

Thierry Benderitter has updated the OsirisNet website with full descriptions and photographs of the following tombs:
1) the tomb of Ay KV 23
In French: http://www.osirisnet.net/tombes/pharaons/ay/ay.htm
In English: http://www.osirisnet.net/tombes/pharaons/ay/e_ay.htm
There is also a 3D VRML tour of this tomb at
In French http://www.osirisnet.net/3d-tours/kv23/kv23-tour.htm
In English : http://www.osirisnet.net/3d-tours/kv23/e_kv23-tour.htm
2) The tomb of Djehutyhotep at El Bersheh
In French :
and in English :

- Osirisnet Updated - Tt56 And Qasr Al Aguz
More good news from Thierry Benderitter and the OsirisNet team, in English and French. As usual a comprehensive description is accompanied by illustrations, translations, diagrams and photographs. First, the tomb of Userhat in Luxor, TT56, is now online...

- Osirisnet: The Tombs Of Pharaoh Tanutamen And His Mother Queen Qalahta, El-kurru, Sudan
OsirisNet Many thanks to Thierry Benderitter for letting me know that they have updated the super OsirsNet website: We are glad to announce you that we have launched on OsirisNet a page on the tombs of Pharaoh Tanutamen and his mother Queen Qalahta,...

- Osirisnet - Tt409, Tomb Of Kyky-samut
http://www.osirisnet.net/tombes/nobles/kyky/kyky_01.htm Thanks to Thierry Benderitter from OsirisNet for the news that the web pages for the tomb of Kyky-Samut (TT409) have been entirely re written and considerably increased. The text is only in French...

- Osirisnet Website Updated: Amenhotep Iii
http://www.osirisnet.net/tombes/pharaons/amenhotep3/e_amenhotep3.htmThierry Benderitter has updated the OsirisNet.net a page on Amenhotep III's tomb , KV 22. It is illustrated by 40 rare pictures taken before the beginning of the restoration work,...

- The Tomb Of Roy

