OsirisNet website updated: Amenhotep III

OsirisNet website updated: Amenhotep III

Thierry Benderitter has updated the OsirisNet.net a page on Amenhotep III's tomb , KV 22. It is illustrated by 40 rare pictures taken before the beginning of the restoration work, that cover most of the scenes pictured in the tomb. There is a comprehensive description, under a number of headings, and some clear and accessible plans are provided. A slideshow of the photographs is available at:

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OsirisNet - Tomb of Amenhotep III Thanks to Thierry Benderitter for letting me know that the OsirisNet website has been updated with full details for the tomb of Amenhotep III (KV22). As usual, an enormous amount of work has gone into providing a complete...

- Osirisnet Updated
www.osirisnet.net Thanks to Thierry Benderitter for the news that a second tomb from El Amarna is now online on the Osirisnet website : The tomb of Ay, dating back to the time when he was still only a courtier. http://www.osirisnet.net/tombes/amarna/ay_amarna/e_ay_amarna.htm...

- El Kab Site Updated
The following is taken from Tony Cagle's Archaeoblog at http://www.archaeoblog.blogspot.com/: "Thierry Benderitter has put up some new pages on his El Kab site:The tomb of Paheri:http://www.osirisnet.net/tombes/el_kab/pahery/e_pahery1.htm . This...

- Tomb Of Amenhotep Iii, The Pharaoh Nebmaatre

- Tomb Of Amenhotep Iii, The Pharaoh Nebmaatre

