Osirisnet updated

Osirisnet updated

Thanks to Thierry Benderitter for the news that a second tomb from El Amarna is now online on the Osirisnet website : The tomb of Ay, dating back to the time when he was still only a courtier.
His royal tomb (including a 3D VRML visit) is also available on OsirisNet:

- Help Requested From Osirisnet
Osirisnet Thierry Benderitter has emailed to let newsletter subscribers know that the server hosting Osirisnet crashed a few days ago. They have done our best to restore all the data. but if you find missing pages or images, corrupted data, or dead links,...

- Sennedjem On Osirisnet
Osirisnet.net (French) Osirisnet.net (English) Thanks very much to Thierry Benderitter for the news that the tomb of Sennedjem is now being featured in 3-D VRML on Osirisnet (see the last of the three pages): Every person interested in Ancient Egypt...

- Osirisnet - Tt409, Tomb Of Kyky-samut
http://www.osirisnet.net/tombes/nobles/kyky/e_kyky_01.htm More good news from OsirisNet: Thanks to Jon Hirst's quick translation, the Theban Tomb 409 of Kyky-Samut is now on line in English. As you will see, it lacks many photographs, so if you can...

- Osirisnet Website Updated: Amenhotep Iii
http://www.osirisnet.net/tombes/pharaons/amenhotep3/e_amenhotep3.htmThierry Benderitter has updated the OsirisNet.net a page on Amenhotep III's tomb , KV 22. It is illustrated by 40 rare pictures taken before the beginning of the restoration work,...

- El Kab Site Updated
The following is taken from Tony Cagle's Archaeoblog at http://www.archaeoblog.blogspot.com/: "Thierry Benderitter has put up some new pages on his El Kab site:The tomb of Paheri:http://www.osirisnet.net/tombes/el_kab/pahery/e_pahery1.htm . This...

