Sennedjem on Osirisnet

Sennedjem on Osirisnet (French) (English)

Thanks very much to Thierry Benderitter for the news that the tomb of Sennedjem is now being featured in 3-D VRML on Osirisnet (see the last of the three pages):

Every person interested in Ancient Egypt has heard and read about the tomb of the craftsman Senndjem, at Deir el-Medina. Many of you may even have visited it, as it is one of the very few (still) opened to the public.

Despite its small size, this monument is richer than one might think.

We offer to you an in-depth visit of this tomb. And you will even be able to walk in it in a virtual 3D VRML reconstruction.

The photograph on this page is the copyright of Thierry Benderitter, Osirisnet 2008.

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