Photo for Today - back to New Kalabsha

Photo for Today - back to New Kalabsha

Now that Lucia's excellent photographs of Amarna have all been posted I'm back in Nubia with my holiday snaps from a Lake Nasser cruise in 2007. I still have some more photographs from Beit el Wali, both the interior and exterior, so I'll finish those before going on to other monuments on the island of New Kalabsha.

If I manage to find it the next set should be photographs taken in and around Kharga oasis by a friend of mine. I had a recent sort-out of my office, due to the need to lay a new carpet, and have managed to jumble all my CD-Roms and DVDs, some of which have lost labels in the process. In this case my friend had stuck a post-it to the case of the DVD containing his photographs and I've found the post-it but have not yet isolated the DVD to which it was attached! Failing that, I'm aiming to visit the newly refurbished Ashmolean Museum in the near future so I'll have some shots of that lovely collection to post, whilst still hunting for Kharga.

Beit el Wali, New Kalabsha Island, near Aswan.
Detail of paintwork.

- Photo For Today - Beit El-wali
Ramesses II with the Elephantine deity Khnum and his consort Anukis Beit el-Wali, New Kalabsha island, near Aswan This is the last of the photos from Beit el-Wali. There will be more from New Kalabsha in the next couple of weeks. Egyptology News Blog,...

- Photo For Today: Beit Al-wali
The god Khnum Beit al-Wali, near Aswan, Lake Nasser Beit al-Wali is a small temple dedicated to Ramesses II which was moved to the small island of New Kalabsha, in the sight of the Aswan High Dam, when Lake Nasser was created. It was dedicated to the...

- Daily Photo - The Temple Of Beit Al-wali, New Kalabsha
Still lurking on Lake Nasser (mainly because I was in the file to find the Qasr Ibrim photos), here are images of Beit al-Wali. New Kalabsha is just to the south of Aswan, which can be visited as a morning/day trip from Aswan. A number of monuments rescued...

- Island Of Kalabsha (aswan) Converted To Open Museum "The Ministry of Culture has completed a comprehensive project to convert the island of Kalabsha in Aswan into an open museum that exhibits monuments of ancient Egyptian civilisation. The project is an asset to...

- Reopening, Restoring Kalabsha Island Temples temples of Kalabsha Island in Aswan will be opened next month for visitors following a comprehensive restoration that covered the archaeological site. There are rock inscriptions of animals, boats...

