Photo for Today - Beit el-Wali

Photo for Today - Beit el-Wali

Ramesses II with the Elephantine deity Khnum and his consort Anukis
Beit el-Wali, New Kalabsha island, near Aswan

This is the last of the photos from Beit el-Wali.
There will be more from New Kalabsha in the next couple of weeks.

- Photo For Today - Back To New Kalabsha
Now that Lucia's excellent photographs of Amarna have all been posted I'm back in Nubia with my holiday snaps from a Lake Nasser cruise in 2007. I still have some more photographs from Beit el Wali, both the interior and exterior, so I'll...

- Photo For Today: Beit El-wali
Selket (Serket) seated behind Ra-Horakhty Beit el-Wali, New Kalabsha island, Aswan Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photo For Today: Beit El-wali
Ra-Horakhty (Horus of the Two Horizons) Beit el-Wali, New Kalabsha island, Aswan Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photo For Today: Beit El-wali
Over the next few days I'll be posting some more photographs from this lovely site. The colours are absolutely marvellous. I took these photographs when was there on a Lake Nasser cruise at the end of 2006. I had forgotten just how fresh the whole...

- Daily Photo - The Temple Of Beit Al-wali, New Kalabsha
Still lurking on Lake Nasser (mainly because I was in the file to find the Qasr Ibrim photos), here are images of Beit al-Wali. New Kalabsha is just to the south of Aswan, which can be visited as a morning/day trip from Aswan. A number of monuments rescued...

