Photo for Today - Anubis tours New York

Photo for Today - Anubis tours New York

Stan Parchin, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Art Museum Journal, was the only member of the staff of Treasures of Tutankhamun at The Metropolitan Museum of Art (1978-79) to attend the arrival of the gigantic statue of Anubis in New York Harbor on March 23, 2010. The sculpture is in New York in anticipation of the expanded version of Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs at Manhattan's Discovery Times Square Exposition (April 23, 2010-January 2, 2011).
Tickets went on sale the same morning. They may be purchased at (just click on the "buy tickets" tab). Here are the photographs that Stan has forwarded to me for sharing! With thanks too to Chris Lee.

The statue is very much the figure-head of the exhibition and looked particularly good sailing under Tower Bridge in London, but I think that standing him with the Statue of Liberty is even better. An icon with an icon. Stan was lucky enough to be on the boat which gave Anubis (complete with suitcase) the guided tour of the sights


News report and video of Anubis on board a boat visiting the key water-side sights of New York including the New York sky-line, the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty, all to mark the first day of ticket sales for Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of Pharaohs at the Discovery Times Square Exposition.

All great publicity for the exhibition, and more than a touch of humour into the bargain!

- Chariot Of Tutankhamun Arrives In New York
Art Museum Journal (Stan Parchin) With photos A sleek ancient Egyptian Chariot (ca. 1332-1323 B.C.) went on view this morning in the special exhibition Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs at New York's Discovery Times Square Exposition...

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun And The Golden Age Of Pharaohs
Art Museum Journal (Stan Parchin) With some lovely photos. Ancient Egypt's later 18th Dynasty and its controversial personalities come alive in an expanded version of the compelling special exhibition Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs...

- Anubis Becomes Ticket Tout In New York
Heritage Key (Helen Atkinson) With slideshow. You live long enough in this city and you'll see things you couldn't even imagine - like a 25-foot tall Anubis statue being towed around New York harbour, which is what happened on yesterday morning....

- Tutankhamun To Visit New York
Suite101 (Stan Parchin) The New York Times reported on June 3, 2009 that an expanded version of Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs will appear in the 60,000-square-foot basement of the newspaper's former mid-Manhattan location in Spring...

- Anubis On The Thames To Advertise Tutankhamun
BBC News I'm sorry I missed this - I only live a two minute walk from the Thames. Tower Bridge was raised to allow the 25ft (7.6m) statue of Anubis to travel to its position in Trafalgar Square. The installation is to mark the opening of Tutankhamun...

