Photo for Today - Coffins of Usirmose

Photo for Today - Coffins of Usirmose

Anthropoid coffins of the Theban priest Usirmose
25th Dynasty
Deir el Bahri?
Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Bruxelles

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- Photo For Today - Naqada I Arms-raised Vase
Naqada I vessel Unprovenanced Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Bruxelles E.3002 For more details: Global Egyptian Museum For an illustration of the entire design: Egyptology...

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The Musée Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Bruxelles is light-filled and full of space (the Petrie Museum would do absolute wonders with that sort of real estate), and there are some lovely artefacts from the prehistoric period through to the Coptic...

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Musees Royaux d'Art et Histoire From the Musee Royaux website: Contrairement aux plus grands musées européens, qui se sont intéressés de bonne heure aux arts de l'Égypte ancienne, les Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire abritent...

- Royal Mummies Hall At Gizeh?
I believe that this photograph was taken when Egypt's national collection was in the Gizeh palace after 1890 and before 1902 when the collection was again transferred to the newly built Cairo museum. The picture appears to be taken with...

